Have you been looking for Free Addiction Rehab Centers? Check out our latest blog post, below we have some testimonies of lives being changed at Victory Outreach Church of Concord.
These Free Addiction Rehab Centers have changed the lives of many people all over the globe, whether they were a drug addict or alcoholic this is the place where lives are changed.

Victory Outreach's Free Addiction Rehab Centers have changed the lives of many all over the world, it includes free food and housing for every man that needs to recover from an addiction.
Hi, my name is Ray Ray and I am a product of the home but it wasn’t always like this. About 3 years ago I was in the streets because I got kicked out of my house. I was in and out of jail. I was addicted to drugs, I was drinking, and I was lost and bound. I started losing my mind and then I started losing my dignity.

"When I came into the home I encountered Jesus. I began to pray and I really got a hold of God. I made a commitment to the lord and he changed my life forever. I am no longer addicted to drugs and I am sober minded."
Now I have a desire to reach the inner cities of the world and to reach the lost. I want to go back to school and be more educated. I now have a chance to be back with my family.
Hi, my name is Johnny. Before I came into the home I was lost and bound. I lost my family because of alcoholism. I was very closed off. I looked for hope and love in the world but it failed me everytime.

"When I came into the home Jesus changed my life. He gave me joy and a clear mind. I feel healthy and more driven. I know now that I have a purpose and a relationship with God."
I can now see my future differently. I see my family, and my son in the picture. I can see myself helping youth and the hurting people of the world.
Hi, my name is Jerrett. Before I came into the home I was drinking, smoking, using crystal and living in the streets. Shortly after that I went to jail and nothing was going good for my life.

"Jesus changed my life and I now have a personal relationship with God. I Know that God has a blessing for me."
I can now see God using my life. I currently help out in the church, and I hope to be playing for the worship team soon.
Praise God!!! This is great.
Hello there wow this is a powerful blog with some amazing testimonies.